Tuesday, July 15, 2014

     This whole book has been interesting to me. It was a lot of reading but i finally understand more about people and the struggles we as humans have gone through. Stayer explains things very well, and before I assumed a lot. The history of men and women( in any culture) have proven to be a struggle from the beginning. I wonder now just where are we headed. In a lot of ways I am glad I wont be around to see what  the world will be like in another 50 years, but I do worry about my granddaughters. I want the world to be a healthy place to live. I want men and women to get along and be content in their relationships with each other. If history has taught us anything it has taught us what can happen when someone want to dominate, or to take control over a country or culture. It always ends in death at some point.
     As a society, we have come a long way. This doesn't mean that all the problems of the world will ever go away, but it does mean we have been warned about the extremes that can happen. With this knowledge we can do better, but I think there will always be a dictator or extremist who will think they should be the one in power. People have always been a passion of mine.  Humans are over populating this planet and things are getting even more complicated because of over population. Greed has taken over peoples morals and money rules the world. We keep this up we will need another planet to spread to, and then we start over again, but with the knowledge of what to do. Maybe we can do better and create world peace eventually.

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