Monday, July 14, 2014

     I enjoyed reading about what  I would call a hero. This is because I grew up in the 60's and 70's. I remember hearing about Nelson Mandela in the news. I also believe in fighting, protecting human rights, but have never done anything other than support the  laws and voted on issues in the polls throughout the years. I couldn't remember much about him, so I was curious and looked him up. I was curious, because I have heard many things about this man,and I wanted to understand why he felt the way he did,was it because he was mistreated and had enough, or had he witnessed the mistreatment and discrimination of both blacks and whites in Africa. After reading his biography , I was amazed to see what a price he paid, for what he believed in, and it was basically the fight of his life. He stood for human dignity and respect. He wanted all humans (no matter the color) to live in harmony and without domination.
      He not only went to prison for treason but was also elected president. He and his group of about seven people spent 27 years behind bars, to stand up for the rights of both blacks and whites from discrimination laws. In the time, he was in prison he wasn't allowed but one visitor a year for thirty minutes. Plus, one letter every 6 months written and received from anyone. That had to be tough, he basically gave up his life for what he believed in. Obviously, he had a dream of world peace, and harmony among humans of all colors, and cultures. I have to admire that. This was a great man and I wish he didn't have to suffer the way he did. He did get people to listen. People loved him, this tells me he was also a loving man. He had a passion for people. He also paid dearly for the price for them and that was the price of discrimination for human rights.

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