Tuesday, July 15, 2014

     I was fascinated to read about the history of feminism. Growing up I was always told I had to get married and have a husband. That very thought put me in an unhealthy relationship from the start. The ideal of women's rights has given me many opportunities to stand up for myself and I am a feminist. I used to think that was a bad thing but it is important that women feel good about themselves while dealing with some men. Men have decided long ago that they were in charge and we women are the weaker sex. We are proving them wrong everyday. Women are holding more and more important jobs proving we do have brains and abilities. Many are bosses over men.        
   Different countries have their own versions of women's liberation. They may differ because culture is different but it all comes down to basically one thing, and that is we are all people. Nobody is better than the other. Men are a little stronger but muscle isn't the point here. Nobody has a right to dominate the other. Women have put up with sexual abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse and forced to do things because a man forced her into it. I think the world is turning around, men and women are appreciating each other better. We are working together, while men still protect us and do things to make us happy, we try to do the same for them. This is great, but a lot of men are still stuck in the old ways and think women are stupid or weaker. They have to realize we want companions and they will be the ones to lose later because nobody will want to love them. We still have a long way to go, but I believe women are finally getting the appreciation we have deserved since men decided to take over, but as usual we will be the ones to clean up the mess.

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