Wednesday, June 25, 2014

     Religion has always fascinated me. This is because of the differences between them. I guess in life we all have different beliefs and we learn from our families what to believe. For me I am a Christian, but I don't push my beliefs onto another person. From the history of Christianity it appears I'm unusual because they started out pushing and still continue til this day. This explains why people shy away when they hear you are a christian. Our world has gone through a lot of major changes and i believe religion has put down the rules to live by weather you are a christian or some other religion. We have to have social rule, religion keeps us in line. We all fear death at some point, and because of this we need to hang onto the possibility of life after death. I will always believe in god, but i have now chosen to just believe in god and not religion. This is because there is a lot of hypocrisy out there. People now have a chose as to how they believe spiritually, it is through religion that we live out our lives without hurting another person. We do this with the promise of life after death. According to our book it has been a long hard road for religion, we have fought each other for centuries and continue to do so even til this day. You would think we would have an open mind enough to realize we all believe in our own way but not according to the history. There has to be a place we could all agree but for some people they want physical proof. We just have to decide what is right in our heart of hearts, and that nobody except god has all the answers.

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